Water Pollution and Its Impact on Agriculture and Food Security

Editorials News | Nov-16-2024

Water Pollution and Its Impact on Agriculture and Food Security

Accumulation of water pollutants has become a major threat to agriculture and food security since it affects both ecosystem and water used in farming activities. Chemicals such as industrial effluent, effluent from, and untreated sewage bring undesirable items into water reservoirs, which reduces both the quantity and quality of water available for irrigation. Harmful chemicals from dirty water lower soil quality when used in irrigation affecting crop quality as well as production. Lead, mercury, cadmium, and other toxic colonial substances may be taken up by plants and find their way into the food chain, thus being a danger to human health. 

Also, the water can be polluted, and this often has adverse effects on the soils, for they lose their productivity for some time. Water pollution also impacts livestock since animals need water, and when they get this from polluted sources or feed in contaminated fields, they will sicken and diminish yields on animal products for human consumption. In addition, pollution of water sources that leads to scarcity of clean water increases the many difficulties of farmers, especially in water deficit areas, to produce sufficient food. This has direct consequences for food security, especially in developing countries where agriculture is well practiced. Water pollution is one of the biggest problems that threaten agriculture and long-term food security as well; this can only be solved through efficient actions like better policies, more sustainable agriculture, and better waste management.

By : Gulshan
Sanskar science academy

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