Health Benefits Of Playing Hockey

General News | Apr-15-2022

Health Benefits Of Playing Hockey

When we think of hockey, we think of body checks, fistfights, and missing teeth. But there's not so much more to hockey than the rough contact sport it's known for. Playing hockey is very beneficial for the body too, that's why the hockey players are always so fit. Some of the health benefits of playing hockey are:

(1) Develops the cardiovascular system of the body: The energy and muscular strength, required in hockey help in the development of the cardiovascular system. Which supplies the muscles with oxygen. Pumping of sufficient quantities of oxygen help to improve breathing and cellular activities.

(2) Helps burn fat and calorie: The fast pace of the game required a short burst of energy that helps burn a huge number of calories. Each player burns about 0.061 calories per pound, per minute. This amounts to a huge loss of body weight in the long run.

(3) Is full of body workout: Playing Hockey is an excellent way of developing the leg muscles such as the hamstring, calves, and hip flexor muscles. It also aids in developing the endurance of the tricep, forearm, and shoulder muscles.

(4) Enhanced muscular strength: The and has muscle strength gained from hockey can reduce the risk of injury, improve bone strength, strengthen connective tissue and increase muscle mass. All of these contribute positively to a healthier stronger body that is less prone to injury and has improved overall functions.

(5) Develops Hand-Eye coordination: Playing hockey involved the coordination between the hand and eyes. It also involves the spontaneous responses and reactions of the players during the game. Practicing the game aids in developing coordination abilities, improves hand-eye reflexes, and improves agility.

(6) Develops the spirit of teamwork:- Playing with a team of 11 people are players develops a sense of teamwork as everyone works towards the achievement of goals and victory.

By : Parth Aggarwal
S. D. Public School

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