India’s National Game: Hockey

General News | Aug-15-2021

India’s National Game: Hockey

Prior, the game was played in two parts, 35 minutes each however the progressions were made in 2014 when 4 parts of 15 minutes each were presented. There is a brief break after each period. There are 11 players on each side among whom 10 are on the field and one is the objective attendant. Every player has a hockey stick, 150 to 200 cm long slim shaft, finishing in a leveled augmentation known as the edge. The most extreme allowed weight of the hockey stick is 737 grams. The ball is little and made of hard plastic. The stick is level on the playing side and is for the most part made of hickory or mulberry wood. The target of the game is to hit, spill and push the ball around the field and endeavor to shoot it past the goalkeeper into the contrary goal line. The field players are not permitted to hold, kick or convey the ball. The game starts with a middle pass and the sides are respected after the principal half. To qualify as an objective, the scoring shot should be taken from inside the striking circle. Two on-field umpires direct the match and screen the play intently for any unfortunate behavior or rule-breaking. It is likely quite possibly the most antiquated game played in the current world.

The oversimplified game of directing a ball with the assistance of a stick has been played around 1200 years before the beginning of the antiquated Games of Olympia in Greece. There are various varieties of this game played through ages by practically all significant races on the planet. The current acknowledged variant of the round of Field Hockey was created by the British. The London Hockey affiliation was set up in 1921 and the principles were solidified. The International Hockey Federation was established in 1924 taking the overwhelmingly British game to the world. The game was presented in India during the British Raj. The first hockey club in Quite a while was set up in Calcutta in 1855. The Bengal Hockey was the first hockey relationship in Quite a while and was established in 1908. India contended in Olympics held in Amsterdam without precedent for 1928.

By: Khushboo
Birla School, Pilani

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