Life Without Gadget

General News | Oct-24-2021

Life Without Gadget

Technology has become a very important part of our lives nowadays. In the past few years, technology has evolved in many ways and without a doubt is even better than before. People are always developing something new that will improve human lives dramatically. Some of the creations that have changed our lives for good are the computer, telephone, mobile phone, tablet, internet, electronic and voice mail, etc. What used to be bulky, expensive, and at times, unreliable machines, gadgets now are faster, smaller and so affordable that every family member owns numerous of them. Needless to say, modern-day gadgets are more of a necessity than a luxury. These days, it may seem, people have enslaved themselves to modern-day gadgets. This is why it is hard to imagine a life without them. They help people socialize, stay in touch with the world, world events, etc.

Modern-day gadgets even make shopping an efficient and convenient experience and send messages and emails quicker than the postal service. Friends and relatives living in different parts of the world seem a lot closer all thanks to modern gadgets, such as a webcam, etc. Our life starts with the sound of an alarm clock, so we can say that our day begins with gadgets. They work as our assistants. In offices, meetings, training and all, we are dependent on them. Even at the shops, libraries, railways, banks, airports, a computer is required for booking tickets and keeping accounts. If for a day our internet does not work, we feel paralyzed. It feels as if something important is missing from our lives. Thus, these gadgets have left a remarkable impact on our lives and we cannot work or go without them. Therefore, it suffices to say that life without modern gadgets would slow down and become less efficient.

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