Teachings from Competitive Sport

General News | Dec-12-2020

Teachings from Competitive Sport

The discipline to practise a skill isn’t about perfection. In sports as in life, perfection may be a concept often discussed but rarely seen. But the pursuit of a perfect is effective in and of itself, both on the sector and off. Playing sports reinforces the thought that honing a skill is effective not simply because it'll increase your efficacy, but also because becoming better at something maybe a reward all its own. So training doesn’t just improve the mechanics of your foul shot or your putt, it resets your instincts in order that once you get into the sport, you respond the proper way.

Becoming a skilful player of any sport requires significant sacrifices of your time and energy. It requires commitment and, above all, prioritization. So as to form time to practice, a particular amount of leisure will need to tend up. And once you’re practising, every minute of batting practice means forgoing a moment of fielding practice. This suggests players need to understand how and when to spend their best energy and must know when it’s time to mention number.

The skill to discern between what's absolutely necessary within the moment and what is often sacrificed is essential to any academic or professional pursuit. What percentage of professionals are you able to consider who have difficulty saying no or managing their own time? Playing sports directly develops this skill.
Avinash Sinha
Birla School, Pilani 

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