The Effect of Gamification on Student Motivation

General News | Jul-27-2024

The Effect of Gamification on Student Motivation

In the last few years, there has been an increasing interest in the use of gamification with educators, students and researchers in educational contexts. With the progression of information technology in the learning environment, game elements' application to non-game contexts is becoming increasingly effective in maximizing the learners’ participation and motivation. But before going any further, let me just explain what happens to student motivation overall due to the use of gamification and why it happens to be more precise.

What is Gamification?

They include point scoring, achievement points, leader board, badges, incentives, and rewards among them, which are used in classroom engagement. The concept that is being aimed at here is to make the learning process more interesting and quite as fun as possible. This way, educators are able to appeal to the same psychological motivation that has people playing games and thus help engage students in their learning process and have them come back more often.

The Psychology Behind Gamification:

The essence of effectiveness of the gamification concept relies on the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is characterised by doing an activity for the fun of it while extrinsic motivation has to do with the introduction of incentives such as grades, badges or praise.

The motivation has elements from both extrinsic and intrinsic it therefore incorporates gamification. For example, the process of gaining badges or leveling in a game-like environment of the student appeals to working on extrinsic motivation. In contrast, extrinsic motivation comes from the desire to gain a reward, while the achievement or mastery of a challenge creates intrinsic motivation. Thus, this combination of incentives promotes longevity in learning interactions and activities.

Increasing Interaction By Use of Challenges and Motivation Promotions:

One of the essential components of gamification is the meaning of the term ‘challenge’, which has a strict understanding of the word. It is also necessary to acknowledge the fact that majority of learners are motivated by the need to overcome specific challenges as well as enhance their performance. Thus, using levels, time-limited quizzes or puzzles, tasks which are done on daily basis can be turned into a jeopardy.

Furthermore, incentives such as points, virtual badges, or even appreciation give the students the feeling of achievement. The reward system can also be made such that the competition is quite healthy, and this is made through the use of the leader boards or the team-based challenges, thus adding to the motivation. This dynamic lets students have their personal goals, keep a record of their progress, and relieve the feeling of accomplishment along the process.

Gamification and Student Autonomy:

One of the aspects of gamification is also the element of self-organizing and self-regulation, which is critical for building students’ long-term motivation. Probably the most characteristic aspect of games is that they allow the players to decide how they wish to tackle the problems. When implemented in an educational environment, learning applications can assemble a range of paths for students to follow while performing tasks, thus providing them with control over which choice to make in regard to their capabilities and desires.

This choice also improves learning activities, as students feel more involved because the educational process is self-directed. This also enhances the students’ growth mindset as they are challenged to take responsibilities for their learning and become innovative in their mode of approach to excellence.

Building Strong Relationships and Social Bonding:

In addition to personal reward, gamification also encourages the students to have a group feeling. Some of the components of most gamified environments are options like group tasks, team missions or cooperative games and the like that involve cooperation between students to complete tasks. Besides, it promotes social contacts also increases motivation through sharing of achievements and company of fellow workers.
Furthermore, using online leaderboards or class-based competitions make students to encourage each and every participant in the class, which in turn increases their engagement and motivation.

Real-Life Success Stories:

It must be noted that gamification has been implemented and effective in several educational institutions already. For instance, the applications include; Kahoot! both Duolingo and memorize use features such as rewards, streaks and leaderboard that engage the users and increases their usage of the application. Similarly the learners in the classroom that incorporates the gamified systems show higher attendance, better academic performance as well as high desire and capacity to undertake more challenging tasks.

Challenges and Considerations:

However, the case is not entirely rosy especially since like most things in life, gamification has some drawbacks. With concerns that using extrinsic rewards may demotivate the students in the long run due to over reliance of the rewards. The problem with some of these systems is that in case students start a tendency of chasing the badges/points, they might forget the purpose of learning.

In conclusion, When implemented in the proper context, gamification can help to change the face of students’ motivation beyond recognition. Firstly, by combining the model introducing challenge, reward, autonomy, and collaboration, it optimizes the learning process in comparison to the traditional classroom. Inasmuch as it might not be a panacea to the problem, gamification provides a novel strategy to enhance one’s motivation and participation in his or her learning process. As seen, the advancements in technology have the possibility of changing the way gamification is being used in learning, paving the way for a new face in modern learning.

By : Parth Yadav
Anand School of Excellence

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