Golden Era of Books
Education News | Sep-27-2020
Books are the best and trusted friends of man. The history of printed books in the world is not very old. In 1455, after the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg of Germany, books like Azad were spread throughout the world. Just a hundred years later, the technology of printing came to India by the Judge set-priests of Portugal and the books also started printing here. The history of the Portuguese and the printed books in Goa is only four and a half hundred years old but this does not mean that books were not written in their country. India only taught to write the world. At one time, 64 types of the script were popular here. The texts were written by hands-on tables and bhoj papers and were copied manually by hand. Such texts are called manuscripts. Cotton was also made of rubbish paper. Many Greek historians have called India as the father of paper. Even today in some places in the country, this method is called the creator of paper. It took a lot of time to write handwriting and
copy them and there was a complete possibility of lau7nch in this work. Despite this difficulty, a large number of Sanskrit texts were written on their own. They were not only written but also the library was made to protect them. Even today, you have a large number of old manuscripts. After the invention of printing, it was possible to get rid of the hassle of writing and copying and publishing a book in a big amount in a short period of time. Undoubtedly, this art has flourished in the west and it is often spread across the world by the westerners. Although imperialist and religious attitude was prominent in it. During the British rule, many presses were established in India, in which both nationalist and religious books were printed in large numbers.
Printing multicolored books at once has become very simple. Printed books over time are now exposed in the ‘digital’ form. Old books are being scanned and E-books are being made. This technique is getting huge savings of space, there is also the possibility of sending and ordering but books and E-books are being printed in terms of research and study. The E-books printed in the brain are no longer safe in the brain, they have to be read and watched over and over again. Therefore, after the promotion of E-books, there has been a reduction in read-write of printed books but there is no reduction in popularity. We believe that printed books are currently not an option. Yes, printed books are made from paper and paper books so there is a need to develop some other paperwork in the future.
By: Janvi Aggarwal
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