Homework: A Burden Or Helper

Education News | Jul-01-2021

Homework: A Burden Or Helper

The culture of homework has existed for ages and to date, it exists in most of the country even after questioning the system at various levels. From learning basic formulas as a part of homework to getting tons of assignments and complex projects, homework has its own evolution story. Homework was based on the belief that such mental exercises discipline the mind. Most of the schools believe in the concept of extended learning, which means that students get to learn, enjoy learning even beyond the four walls of their classroom. But many people mistake this and assume that teachers have the right to control children's lives outside the school—that they have the right to give homework. We all have heard our teachers say, it’s better to do more of your homework rather than spending time watching TV. Some might not like this but some worry too much that unstructured time might cause children to be less successful, less competitive with others. Whereas this again has two views. Some austere people may think that doing anything else except for studying is a waste while for some pursuing a hobby or being passionate about something does require time and attention. Having said this, does our hectic Indian school schedule allow us to have a 50% share of co-curricular and academics even in the senior classes?

In my opinion, homework for primary and middle school is a necessity to make sure that students are inquisitive beyond their classrooms too. But having a homework schedule from the school side is necessary to ensure that students have enough time for recreational activities and play daily.

As we go higher in the Indian education system’s hierarchy, we observe that students of senior classes are already equipped with so much work. They have to complete their syllabus on time, prepare for competitive exams, entrance exams, coaching classes, school exams, and the list goes on. Giving them homework even after this is just not justified. As it is, a student spends half of his day in school and then coaching or tuitions, there is barely enough time to cope up with the homework. As a child grows, there is a sense of responsibility and sincerity instilled in a child naturally, which creates alertness towards their studies. So there is no more need for forcing them to study after school. Another tradition that we have is that “as you are in a higher class, you will have to do more homework”. Such things don't make any sense. Perhaps now it's time for a change in this radical homework system. Homeworks should be given to aid their learning rather than forcing their learning.

By: Anvi Tyagi

Delhi World Public School, Noida Ext

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