How To Deal With ADHD Students?
Education News | Jul-18-2021
Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral condition that makes it difficult to focus on everyday activities and routine. People with ADHD find difficulty in staying focused, organizing things, making realistic plans, and thinking before acting. ADHD has two main features:- Inattention and Hyperactivity-Impulsivity. Inattentive children show the following symptoms:- difficulty to sustain mental efforts for a long time, difficulty in following instruction and the common complaints are:- inability to listen, inability to concentrate, unable to follow instructions, disorganized, forgetful, unable to finish assignments, quick lose of interest in boring activities. These children are impulsive i.e. they are unable to control their immediate reaction, they find it difficult to wait, they find difficulty in immediate temptations or delaying gratification, minor mishaps are common although serious injuries can also occur. Hyperactivity means that children are in constant motion as if they are an engine or machine. These children cannot sit in one place for a longer time, they are fidget, squirm, climb, and seen around the room aimlessly, always on the go, and too talkative.
Most of the time ADHD children are ignored or abandoned and this causes lifelong problems for these children. These children need extra care and good treatment to reduce the symptoms and act accordingly to the given situation. Psychologists and psychiatrists play a major role in solving the problem through behavioral techniques, therapies, and medication through which symptoms of ADHD can be reduced or can be disappeared. Parents should follow all the advice of medication and therapy of doctor strictly and they should focus on what the child is doing. They should try to understand them and their actions as most ADHD patients have an unintelligible speech by which parents get frustrated and ignore them. In school, because of the lack of attention of teachers towards ADHD children, they find it difficult to understand the concepts or whatever the teacher is teaching. For ADHD children, special schools with special teachers should be available so that when they grow up as an adult they can merge in society easily and can reach to their highest potentials.
There is a saying "ADHD is not a disability, it is a different ability". Most ADHD patients do things with lots of creativity and different which makes them different from others. Michael Phelps an American swimmer had an ADHD disability but he proved that his disability cannot stop him from achieving his dreams. He won 28 medals which included the record of 23 gold medals in Olympic history. Many famous people like Karina Smirnoff, Howie Mandel, Ty Pennington, Adam Levine, Justin Timberlake have proven that ADHD is not a disability and it cannot stop you from achieving your dreams unless you give up yourself.
By: Radhika Jaswal
Holy Child Senior Secondary School
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