Prokaryotic V/S Eukaryotic Cells

Education News | Jul-12-2022

Prokaryotic V/S Eukaryotic Cells

All living organisms fall into one of the two categories: Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes. Both of these categories are diverse yet similar in many ways.
Prokaryotes are unicellular or single-celled organisms that are made up of a single prokaryotic cell. Prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus and other organelles. Some examples of prokaryotes can be mycoplasma, cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), and bacteria.

At the same time, eukaryotes are single-celled or multicellular organisms that contain a clearly defined nucleus with a nuclear membrane. Some examples of eukaryotes can be plants, animals, and fungi.

Differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes:
a. Always unicellular or single-celled.
b. The nucleus is not present, instead, they have a nucleoid region in the cell.
c. Cell division usually takes place through binary fission in these cells.
d. Prokaryotic cells are smaller (1-10um).
e. Prokaryotes reproduce asexually.

2) Eukaryotes:
a. Can be both unicellular (single-celled) or multicellular.
b. The nucleus is present.
c. Cell division usually takes place through mitosis in these cells.
d. Eukaryotic cells are comparatively larger (1-100um).
e. Most eukaryotes reproduce sexually due to which the offspring contains parents’ genes.

Similarities between prokaryotes and eukaryotes:
a. Both of these cells carry out the necessary functions of life.
b. Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes have a cell membrane that acts as a barrier between the internal and external environment of the cell.
c. Both types of cells have vacuoles that help store food and liquid.

By : Toshani Mehra
Delhi Public School Greater Noida

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