Rani Padmini And The Legend Of Chittorgarh

Education News | Nov-10-2023

Rani Padmini And The Legend Of Chittorgarh

There is an Indian story about courage, attractiveness, and sacrifice that happened a long time ago, and it happened within the ancient walls of the town called Chittorgarh, which was located in the province of Rajasthan. This legend involves Rani Padmini, whose legend occupies the pages of Indian history and folktale. Her story narrates love, courage, and the heroic spirit of an era that is no more.

The Unparalleled Beauty of Rani Padmini
Rani Padmini, or Padmavati, was believed to have existed in the thirteenth century under Raja Rattan Singh. The ancient sources and literary works show that she was a perfect embodiment of beauty, poise, and intelligence. However, it was not just about her good looks, but also because of her majestic bearing, kindness, and wisdom.

Love Story of Rana Ratan Singh.
Rani Padmini is a famous story about the marriage of Padmini to Rana Ratan Sing, who was the king of Mewar. The marriage represented one of love and loyalty despite their different class and wealth. This story goes that as the king was passing by a river, he saw his likeness on the water's surface and fell so much in love.

On the contrary, the story of Rani Padmini took a different twist after the sultan Aludin Khilji heard about her beauty and wished he had her as his property. He sieged up at Fort Chittorgarh which triggered one of the biggest episodes recorded in the Rajputs chronicles history.

The Siege of Chittorgarh
There was a lot of bravery and sacrifices on both sides during the sieve of Chittorgarh. They were led by Rana Ratan Singh as they fought with honor for their dignity and their queen. During this siege, Rani Padmini became important for the eventual overthrow of this fortification.
When an urgent situation presented itself, and as a last measure, Rani Padmini and her women took an act filled with deceit that would avoid a disaster. She consented to give Aladdin a date provided that he did not take another step in the building. Dignity and respect for the sanctity of the fort necessitated that, he reflect her in the mirror. While the plan was initiated without negotiation, it was aimed at gaining time to let Rajput warriors get ready to fight back.

The Jauhar
However, as the siege tightened and it became apparent that the Rajputs were facing the raw power of Khilji’s army, a tragic choice had to be made. Rani Padmini and other women in the fort decided to die by performing ‘jauhar’, where women sacrifice their lives by burning themselves alive on a large funeral pyre instead of being captured and made to suffer dishonor.
A sad and painful self-immolation of the Rajputs who, in this way expressed their loyalty towards their noble, in which they stood for honor and opposed suppression.

Legacy of Rani Padmini
Countless epic poems and books have been written about the legend of Rani Padmini and the Siege of Chittorgarh, ranging from Malik Muhammad Jayasi’s 16th-century “Padmavat” to Sanjay Leela Bhansali’The legend of Rani Padmini portrays more than a fair lady and a great warrior but reveals the Rajputana spirit that lives on to this day.

By : Parth Yadav
Anand School of Excellence

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