Survey on Environment & Pandemic

Education News | Jun-28-2022

Survey on Environment & Pandemic

When COVID-19 came into the picture it was expected that the other major issues of the world will get somehow lost and we will get distracted from our other goals. Climate Change is the only area that is automatically healing itself during this pandemic. A BCG survey was conducted on more than 3,000 people across eight countries. According to this survey, people are now more concerned about the environment and want to contribute to raising awareness about climate change. The heightened awareness is striking. 70% of the survey participants are more aware now about the fact that human activity is the one that threatens and degrades the environment, in turn, threatens humans. Around three-quarters of participants thinks that environment-related issues are as concerning as or more concerning than health-related issues. Surveys also conclude that people are expecting more aggressive actions on environmental issues. More than two-thirds of survey participants responded that environmental issues should be given more priority than economic recovery plans. This pandemic has impacted people on an individual level too as 40% of individuals are intending to adopt more sustainable behaviors. The changes they have brought in their lives include focusing more on recycling and composting, reducing household energy consumption, and buying goods from the local market.

The awareness and contribution of individuals towards sustainability have major implications for government and companies. Almost 87% of survey participants said that companies should increase the environmental concerns in their products services. The younger generation is more committed to sustainability and has a much stronger conviction towards bringing a good change in this direction. The climate during this pandemic is healing itself from all the degradation human activities has done. It is believed that people will take environmental issues as seriously as they are taking their health nowadays. These types of survey give us a closure about the actual society people views around us so that we can solve the issues and can predict the upcoming issues to solve them before they arrive.

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