Interview with Ms. Devika Das

Ms. Devika Das an aspiring author who has successfully launched two books. She started writing at the age of 13 and gone against the stereotypes to pursue her passion for writing. FairGaze got an opportunity to interact with her. Read the excerpt below to know more about Devika.
What made you realize that writing is your call?
I am writing since the age of 13. I wrote my first poem titled “Isn’t It True”. I had an inclination for creative arts from a young age. I started theatre at the age of ten. I was more inclined to creative arts rather than academics. I started my blog in 2008 where I got a good response from the readers. However, professionally I took up writing in 2012. Now it has been 4 years that I am into this profession. I also thought that I should write on topics which will help people realise and inculcate the spirit of self-confidence. I used to read a lot about how people are making money right now but people are also undergoing lot of pressure and depression nowadays. People are now suffering more from mental health issues rather than physical health issues. It gave an inspiration to write a self-motivation guide and that is how my second book ‘The Mind Game’ came into being.
What was your first write up?
My first write up was a poem titled ‘Isn’t it true’.
What kind of support you got from your family?
My family has always supported me. I have always gone against the stereotypes and never suppressed my aspirations due to peer pressure. I have always battled peer pressure, which was the hardest form of depression I faced. I was also on the verge of getting into depression but luckily due to my parents’ support I managed to battle it and came out of it.
Where did you get your inspiration for writing?
I was an avid reader of philosophy and moral science. When I wrote my first poem it was based on how students are constantly pressurised to score good marks. My first poem was titled ‘Isn’t it true’. There is no particular inspiration and role model whom I look up to and write. I think it comes from within.
Since you have studied marketing and finance, what made you switch the role?
I always wanted to get into the part of non-sales profile of marketing such as advertising and offline marketing. I got an opportunity in content marketing and it gave me a good platform to test my writing potential as well as it helps a company to increase its revenue without much investment. It is not like I am directly going and talking to the client but it is my content that sells with which obviously my company will be benefited. So I am doing justice to my passion of writing as well as my degree of MBA.
So, you feel that you faced difficulty in your role as an author?
Every writer faces difficulties. I have also faced challenges. I did not seek any monetary expectations while writing my novel ‘The Mind Game’ but just wanted readers to accept my writing style, I think that is the first obstacle for an author if you think that your book will record a high sale or it will attract huge number of followers. You should write with authenticity and credibility then you should leave it onto the public. Even, when I wrote my first book ‘Seven Vows of Marriage’ I did not have any monetary expectations; I just wanted to express my views about my perspectives about marriage.
What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?
I analysed that people such as my friends and family members used to talk to me about their problems and seek my advice. And I also started answering questions on Quora where I found so many people not having a friend to talk to. That is how I started writing. Apart from this I love travelling. I think travelling gives me an inspiration to record my journey. If you ask me about my novel ‘The Mind Game’, I used to read a lot in the newspaper about how people chose to end their lives for several reasons. Often, people have committed suicide under peer pressure. I think there is a need to stop this thing and help people understand that life is precious and given only once; they should realise the value of life and enjoy it to the fullest. So that is how I came into writing this book
What is your first book all about?
My first book ‘The Seven Vows of Marriage’ is my personal take on how the meaning of the term ‘marriage’ and the overall institution has changed. Presently, people are hesitant to get married at a younger age and people sometimes get confused while getting into relationships; hence, they prefer to be single rather than get married. So it is a personal take on how marriage is a beautiful association, how it was perceived by our parents and grandparents, and how the youth looks into it.
Do you recommend Writing as a career to students?
Writing is a good career because it helps the person to explore your individuality. Sometimes, it is difficult to express your opinion to the public. People sometimes feel that they are not able to emote or express their feelings verbally, meanwhile writing helps you to express your true feelings. When that piece of creativity goes out in the public obviously it attracts readers. I believe that now people are taking content marketing very seriously as they are even managing blogs and making money. I think writing is beautiful.
In your opinion, should children have writing as a practice in their curriculum?
Definitely, in order to write well reading is important.
How important are mentors for students?
I think, at any walk of life, a mentor helps you nurture your talent because sometimes people are unaware about their hidden talents and qualities. A mentor helps an individual identify their hidden abilities and his/her true potential. So good mentors are very important right from the school level, to college level as well as in our professional lives; even working professionals should have a mentor in their company.
How do you differentiate mentors from trainers?
A trainer follows a specific curriculum that he or she needs to impart to the student. However, a mentor is someone who knows the ‘in and out’ of an individual. He will also know the weaknesses and strength and help the individual overcome those weaknesses.
What are your future plans?
In future I would like to become a full time author and if I continue within the corporate world, then I see myself as a content strategist of an organization. .