Editorials News

The Latest Idea of Getting Electron Behaviour More Closely

The Latest Idea of Getting Electron Behaviour More Closely

For the first time, physicists have developed a technique for visualizing the behaviour of electrons under the surface of a material. It has been made possible due to efforts of some physicists. They

Suspension on Elephant Hunting Trophies

Suspension on Elephant Hunting Trophies

President of US, Donald Trump held a suspension over the import of elephant hunting trophies. This happened only a day after a ban was relaxed by his administration. Trophies imports from elephants th

A Leaf Eating Beetle and its Relationship with Special Bacteria

A Leaf Eating Beetle and its Relationship with Special Bacteria

A post-doctoral fellow in Emory University's Department of Biology has discovered a leaf-eating beetle that has evolved a symbiotic relationship with bacteria. The scientists stated that this bacteria

The Trace of Coexistence of Neolithic Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers Found

The Trace of Coexistence of Neolithic Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers Found

Farming has been a process that is estimated to be started back in about 11,000 years ago. It is said by the archaeologists that farming was started in a full fledge manner in Jordan and Israel. Accor

A Wireless Spectrometer to get the 3-D Spectral Images through the Smartphone

A Wireless Spectrometer to get the 3-D Spectral Images through the Smartphone

Smartphone has become the necessity of our life without which we cannot imagine our day. Scientists have always been trying to make better phones by adding latest features into it. A new Smartphone-co

Goldfish and Its Color That Change With Time

Goldfish and Its Color That Change With Time

It’s been found that goldfish change color while growing or we could say in the first year of life. Today, we are focusing on what are the reasons as to why goldfish changes its color. After a s

The Dawn Mission to Understand Dwarf Planet Closely

The Dawn Mission to Understand Dwarf Planet Closely

A celestial body that is present in orbit around the Sun, having sufficient mass for its own gravity to deal with complex body forces for retaining its shape, is called dwarf planet. Dwarf Planet is n

A Fantastic Voyage of Toothpaste History

A Fantastic Voyage of Toothpaste History

It is a fact that oral hygiene was of apex priority in the society as early as 5000 BC. Scientists discovered that the world’s oldest known formula for toothpaste was invented by Egyptians in 4

What is Smog and it’s Affects on Our Health

What is Smog and it’s Affects on Our Health

Probably winter fog is not something that bothers people but the smog does. Smog is a term which is being used for the mixture of pollutants—nitrogen oxides and unstable organic compounds&m

The Diverse Functions of Hormones

The Diverse Functions of Hormones

 The body of every individual is made up of various cells. The division process of cells are the deciding factor of making our appearance like short or tall, dark skinned or light, clever or slow

Unknown Facts to be Known about Cleopatra

Unknown Facts to be Known about Cleopatra

It was on August 12th, 30 B.C. that the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra took her own life. She conducted this attempt inside a mausoleum in Alexandria. The Egypt’s last independent pharaoh was engaged

A Phone Call Will Help in Disposing Off Old Electronic Gadgets

A Phone Call Will Help in Disposing Off Old Electronic Gadgets

The citizens who are environment conscious and who don’t want their discarded electronic gadget to dump at roadside recycling shacks or dumpsites will receive help over a phone call. The Central
