A Man Can Achieve What He Wills to Achieve

General News | Mar-17-2021

A Man Can Achieve What He Wills to Achieve

People compare different people's performances to gauge their success. But success isn't something that you simply can copy from others. You've got to form your own path to achieving success. In the modern-day, people are hooked to success due to the glamour and lifestyle of successful people. There are some ways within the world to achieve success. But most people consider celebrities, artists, politicians, and businessmen whenever they heard the word success. Moreover, they think doing what they're going to cause you to succeed but that not the case. They forget the foremost basic thing that creates an individual successful that's their diligence, dedication, and therefore the desire to realize their dream. More importantly, they what they wish to don't what that other told them to try to do. Successful people do what they wish to do also they are doing what they feel correct for his or her business. We all knew that we can’t achieve something without sacrificing something. Success also demands various things from you. But these sacrifices won't enter vain if you achieve your goal. Certainly, many of us achieve professional success but in doing so that they fail in achieving mental, social, and physical success. the strain of lacking behind in other things pulls them apart. Also, there are cases where people became so hooked on the success that the people around them start to feel uncomfortable around them. In some cases, they need to go mad. aside from that, people also get depressed if they can’t achieve success like others. So, we will say that there's much harm to success.

By: Jyoti Nayak

Birla School, Pilani

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