Gay Marriage Should Be Legalized

General News | Sep-08-2021

Gay Marriage Should Be Legalized

Just like the right to live, should there be the right to be in love? Why do cis/straight people marry? As they want the whole world to know they belong to someone, they want to grow old with the other person. Then why do we strip gay people of this happiness? Why do some h7uman have the right to marry their love whereas the others don’t?

Some of the easy and common reasons to be against same-sex marriage are-

1. Marriage is between people who can reproduce-
Questioning this notion, what about those who are infertile or do not wish to have children. Marriage Is not between two people who can increase the world population but instead among those who wish to be a family and love each other.

2. None of these are mentioned in religious books-
In the bible there is never mentioned that people who love the same sec people are unholy, that text was for the pedophiles. In many versions of Indian mythology, shikhandi was deemed to be transgender. using religion to violate somebodies right’s is not a pillar of a democracy.

3. The sheer unwillingness to change-
Change is constant, therefore everything changes. Even if the society was never like this before it can be changed and so can be the laws and constitution which is why amendments are open and accessible. No democracy can run without making changes as per the public living in it.

The Nāradasmṛti and the Sushruta Samhita, two important Sanskrit texts relating to dharma and medicine, respectively, declare homosexuality to be unchangeable and forbid homosexuals from marrying a partner of the opposite sex. In naradasmrti homosexuality is describes in in-depth and different genres- there are described men who are impotent with women and enjoy sexual pleasures by other men and men who enjoy watching other men engage in sexual endeavors.

If homosexuality was as enraging and wrong as thought by some humans then why6 would Kamasutra (an old Sanskrit text) describe and inform people of gays, lesbians, transgenders, and bisexuals. People who are unaware and mislead by society often fail to see and read these inscriptions. If we educate our public about the past, present, future, and rights of gay people they might take it better than we assume. India is a free nation, a democratic nation and therefore it cannot suppress the people who brought them to power.

By: Kanak

Gaurs International School

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