How Pop Culture Trends Influence Youth?

General News | Apr-28-2023

How Pop Culture Trends Influence Youth

Popular culture is regarded as a "central force" in the world of digital literacy today. It has penetrated our lives as no other thing has before. The popular culture of the 21st century has transcended age, gender, class, race, religion, and other distinctions to have a profound impact on our way of life. and has become ingrained in our routines, and its influence on society is most evident in young people. It is common knowledge that young people of any age are most susceptible to societal shifts. The educated masses now have a new place to hang out in the 2000s: online venues. We can access all kinds of documents, databases, bulletin boards, and electronic publications like newspapers, books, and magazines in all media forms (print, audio-oral, and visual) via the internet. Additionally, we can create web pages to publish individual works of art, writing, videos, movies, and so on. The advent of computers, the internet, and the World Wide Web has resulted in significant advancements in technology. on personal blogs or well-known websites. The commercial culture of movies, television, radio, cyberspace, advertising, and fashion, among other things that can be purchased online, is inextricably linked to popular culture.

This paper examines and comprehends how popular cultural forms, such as the internet, social networking sites, television, popular music, cinema, newspapers, and magazines, etc., can be used, as well as the youth's aggressive indulgence in social media, mass media, and other media like mobile phones, English cinema, and English music. influenced the language of today's youth, resulting in the development of a "new" language style.

When we look back to the 20th century, we find that a variety of youth identities have emerged, each with its distinct style in music, dance, clothing, hairstyle, and language. This was made possible by the development of interactive digital media like the internet and the mass media that accompanied it. Language unquestionably takes on a new form amid such cultural dynamism, and it is used in communication that is mediated by numerous agencies. as a result of the proliferation of television channels, blogs, social networking sites, music and film genres, video games, and other media. Technology and popular culture completely control the lives of today's young people.

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