Importance of Sleep for a Healthy Life

General News | Mar-19-2023

Importance of Sleep for a Healthy Life

The body's ability to fight disease and build immunity, as well as our metabolism and risk of chronic disease, are all influenced by sleep, which is essential to every process.

Depending on the stage of sleep, sleep is an altered state of consciousness in which we have few interactions with our surroundings and are relatively still and quiet. The brain is very active while we sleep, performing a variety of essential functions, in contrast to our quiet physical state. The body's ability to fight disease and build immunity, as well as our metabolism and risk of chronic disease, are all influenced by sleep, which is essential to every process. Because it affects every aspect of health, sleep is truly interdisciplinary.

Mental health and sleep go hand in hand. A lack of sleep can have a significant impact on our mood the next day, so getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining our baseline mental health. Depression, anxiety, and other conditions are linked to poor sleep quality over time. There are also bidirectional associations, which means that having anxiety and depression frequently affects our ability to sleep, which in turn affects our ability to deal with the conditions.

Melatonin, a hormone that helps the body know when it's time to go to sleep, can be affected by the blue light from electronic devices. The content of what is displayed on the screen is one more reason. It can affect your ability to fall asleep if you watch a scary movie.

Sleep deprivation is linked to an increased likelihood of obesity and weight gain. Sleep deprivation may cause you to eat more and have a bigger appetite. You are especially more likely to consume foods high in fat and sugar. Depression is strongly linked to bad sleeping habits, especially in people with sleeping disorders.

By : karan
Anand School for Excellence

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