Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO)

General News | Aug-18-2021

Joy Of Missing Out (JOMO)

The only emotionally intelligent antidote to FOMO (fear of missing out) is its exact opposite; JOMO (joy of missing out). It's a new term for so many of us. As the decade changes, so do the trend(s). This new decade is being publicized as "the era of JOMO." Being content and present with where you are in life is primarily what the modish term stands for. The New Society Publishers are credited for publishing a book by Cristiana Crook on JOMO, known as the Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in the Wired World.

Adding to that, before the inauguration of JOMO, digital well-being was a peripheral idea. When people apprehended "phone" and "addiction" in the same sentence, they got their backs up. It took time for people to understand the growth of digital devices usage. Now, every day, new methods are introduced to help us diminish our screen obsession.

It is high time for us to know that scrolling traveling posts or party posts while lying in bed; isn't modern. Terminate comparing your life with others, instead, learn to let go of apprehensions of whether you are doing something wrong. With JOMO, you can walk on a slow lane, acknowledge human nexus. It’s time to drill on utilizing your time, practice saying "no," having frequent tech breaks, and noticing the surrounding, your thoughts, and your emotions. Disconnect with the technical cosmos and reconnect with yourself, with people you treasure, and with nature.

Instead of wasting time enduring FOMO and repenting it later, commence with a new journey. Learn a new recipe, plant exquisite flowers, pen down a journal, and play with pets. This will be a better choice than keeping up with your social calendar. This movement will counter our always-on-tech addiction. JOMO is the latest commitment for life offline. What we regret isn't missed messages, party invitations, lack of followers, or photo uploads. It's the abuser things that we yearn for, such as missing out on exploring our curiosities or missing out on self-time. Time has attained for us to choose comfort over suspicion, empowerment over anxiety, and JOMO over FOMO.

By: Tanishka Gutgutia
Pathways World School, Aravali Gurugram

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