My Aim In Life

General News | Aug-31-2021

My Aim In Life

A life without an aim is a ball without its bat, a crown without its queen, students without their teachers. In easy words, life without an aim is useless. Human beings with aim have passion, guilt, fear, joy, excitement, and anxiety this makes life fun and adventurous but a human being without an aim is a breathing robot.

Even I have many desires that I want to accomplish. My aim in my life is to become an ideal for people and I want to do something for which people look up to me. I want financial freedom at an early age so that I can live my life according to my rules. I want to explore the whole world. I want to be a responsible and disciplined person so that I touch heights but on the other hand I also want to be careless and party with my friends. I want to experience everything, every emotion, every situation so that I come out as a stronger personality. I want to live my life to the fullest. I also want to help the poor and help the girls who are still unaware about what rights they have and what all they can be if they fight back! I don't want to leave a single thing before I die. I want to learn languages, I want to learn new things I want to also know about supernatural powers. I know my desires are a bit unrealistic and unreasonable but why not? When you only live once? I know I am capable of doing everything. I will work hard, I know I am passionate and one day I will achieve what I want.

By: Tanushka Sharma
Happy English School

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