Student Development Supported by Peer Mentoring Programs

General News | Jun-25-2024

Student Development Supported by Peer Mentoring Programs

Students’ academic success and overall well-being are defined by the benefits peer mentoring has on learning processes across multiple domains of a student’s life. It is common in these programs to have mentor and mentee types where the experienced students are assigned to help the new students in the programs, and this creates a very healthy environment within the academic institutions. Firstly, peer mentoring academic development is realized through the offer of academic advice and support to the mentees. Some of what a mentor may do for a mentee is help them figure out how classes work, what is expected of them in terms of coursework and assignments, and how to study. Arguably, this assistance not only enhances academic performance but also fosters confidence and motivation among the targeted students – the mentees – and, hence, better uptake on learning. Apart from improving academic performance, peer mentoring programs have numerous effects on aspects of personal and social development. Tutors act as references. Timeframe: promote/reinforce constructive attitude/model – perseverance, punctuality, and social skills.

Similarly, peer mentoring programs seek to foster a sense of camaraderie and association within educational institutions. Mentors also assist their mentees on how to settle into campus life by guiding them through various facilities within the campus, extracurricular activities, and organizations. This connection helps to minimize perceptions of loneliness and increases general life satisfaction among mentees regarding their education process. However, peer mentoring initiatives promote leadership and interpersonal skills among the mentors and the mentees as well. Mentors, therefore, foster leadership skills as they offer guidance and support to the eight participating students while the latter also learn how to state their needs, pose questions, and generally state their cases. They are valuable qualities that contribute to individuals’ development and help in further education or careers. Also, peer mentoring programs promote campus climate since students find themselves as colleagues helping each other. Mentors and mentees get close beyond the organizational relationship and continue to support each other after the completion of the duties of the actual mentoring process. Such camaraderie benefits the overall experience of being a student and helps to create such a friendly atmosphere.

By : Gulshan
Sanskar science academy

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