The Arjuna Award

General News | May-15-2021

The Arjuna Award

This esteemed games grant was first presented in the year 1961. It was named after the incredible wonderful understudy 'Arjuna' (of Mahabharata). According to modified schematic rules, this honor is given to the game's character who dominates in games and sports for three sequential years (at the National and International level) and has shown characteristics of administration, sportsmanship, and rule of Arjuna. This honor is chosen by a ten-part advisory group (seven Olympic players and three SAI authorities.) It is given in three classes principal point is to improve the norm of sports in the country.

The Government of India requests the rundown of sportspersons from National Sports Federations which are perceived by the Government of India. This rundown is presented each year on a fixed date. By and large, this honor is given to one player of a game however this can be given to a female player of a similar game. The fixed date can be reached out by the Government of India. The Government of India shapes an uncommon board that distinctively reviews the rundown of players previously sent by different leagues of sports. After appropriate review, the extraordinary committee sends this rundown to the Government of India.If the Government of India doesn't get any rundown from Sports Federations whatever year, at that point, it might grant a particular player for that year.

Any game league can send a rundown of three players to the Government of India. Although the Government of India offers grants to just a single player however in the event of a female, she can likewise be granted. So most extreme two players for example one male and one female can be chosen for the honor from a game. An official choice concerning Arjuna Award lies in the possession of the Government of India.

By : Jyoti Nayak

Birla School, Pilani

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