Why Pluto Is Not Considered A Planet Anymore?

General News | Dec-02-2021

Why Pluto Is Not Considered A Planet Anymore?

There are 8 planets in our solar system but this was not before August 2006. Before this, It was known as the smallest planet. Yes, I am talking about our little Pluto. As you know that the International Astronomical Union (IAU) declared Pluto a dwarf planet in August 2006. But do you know why Pluto has to become a dwarf planet? Now before we talk, first we should know the criteria for becoming a planet.
1. It should orbit around the sun.
2 It should be nearly round in shape
3. Its orbit should be clear.
Now, we will see all the points one by one. The first one was the revolution around the sun. Yes, it does. It was discovered in 1930 and one time Pluto was closer to the Sun than Neptune between 1979 and 1999.

The second one was It should be a nearly round shape. Yes, it is a nearly round shape. Do you know? Pluto is smaller than our country India. Now the third one and last but here comes breaker to become a planet. Pluto doesn’t have orbit clear. You may wonder what that means, “not clear its orbit?” Sounds like a minesweeper in space! This means that the planet has become gravitationally dominant — there are no other bodies of comparable size other than its satellites or those otherwise under its gravitational influence, in its vicinity in space. So, Pluto meets only 2 criteria. That’s why it cannot become a planet. Now It is a dwarf planet including its neighborhood Charon, nix, and hydra. I hope you like it.

By : Ansh Srivastava
Delhi public school gautam buddha Nagar

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