Editorials News

Importance of Morning Walk

Importance of Morning Walk

The modern-day world is filled with psychological disorders, poor health, mental tension, and lots of more problems. Likewise, the lifetime of some people is sort of

Acknowledging Cyber Crimes for Safe Surfing

Acknowledging Cyber Crimes for Safe Surfing

Cybercrime is a widespread term that is used to represent a criminal exercise in which workstations or computer networks are a medium, a scapegoat, or a site of criminal activity and carry everything

Best Things to Know about Rainforest of India

Best Things to Know about Rainforest of India

India is a beautiful and an amazing country with different types of natural features and forest habitats and of course a diverse population. One such natural forest habitats includes rainforests. Befo

Soil erosion and its preventions

Soil erosion and its preventions

Soil weathering by water, wind and tillage influences both agriculture and the physical environment. Soil decline, and its associated impacts, is one of the most influential (yet probably the least we

What are cosmic radiations?

What are cosmic radiations?

Cosmic radiations are the radiations from space. Cosmic rays travel through space and, they hit the earth and other planets. Our solar system's Sun and other stars emit these rays. These rays are made

Achievements of the Youngest Environmentalist Greta

Achievements of the Youngest Environmentalist Greta

Greta Thunberg has surprised the world. In just a year, the 16-year-old environmental change activist dispatched the monstrous Fridays For Future development - with understudies far and wide playing h

One Size Does Not Fit All

One Size Does Not Fit All

One size doesn't fit all reminds me a beautiful story of a disney princess, Cinderella! In the story, we are made to realize that one size fits a unique person as we all are unique individuals. Exactl

Bedtime stories in the age of kindle and podcasts

Bedtime stories in the age of kindle and podcasts

Technology has altered our lives in almost every possible way. Today's generation won't understand the excitement of getting your first book as a Christmas present. Every other kid now has a kindle.&n

Overcoming with anxiety in children

Overcoming with anxiety in children

Anxiety and stress are common these days, even in children. There can be various reasons to feel anxious. Most parents believe that this shy and awkward phase of life will go with time. Well, it is no

Iceland tops the Global Peace index

Iceland tops the Global Peace index

There are various laws and provisions that make Iceland a livable country. The strict laws are also one of the most important reasons to help the status.  For the thirteenth year straight, Icelan

India or China: The Next Superpower

India or China: The Next Superpower

Amidst this coronavirus pandemic, there has been a heated debate around the emergence of subsequent superpowers within the world, that might have the potential&

Knowledge Is the Golden Door to Success

Knowledge Is the Golden Door to Success

“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.” This quote means Education gives us all the knowledge we'd like. It's a key through which we will rule the planet. If we are ed
