Same Wavelength In Brain Activities Of Child And Adult Brains

Editorials News | Jan-13-2020

Same Wavelength In Brain Activities Of Child And Adult Brains

Have you ever played with a little baby and have felt a sense of connection, knowing that they could not talk to you? A recent new research has suggested that one might quite literally be on the same wavelength, further experiencing similar brain activities in the same brain regions.

A team of researchers of Princeton has currently conducted the first studies of how babies and adult brains interact while they naturally play, and they have found measurable similarities in their neural activities. In other types of words, babies and adult brain activity rise and fell down together as they have shared toys and eye contact. The research was also conducted at the Princeton Baby Lab, where the University researchers have studied how babies learn to see, talk and also understand the world.

Elise Piazza who is an associate research scholar in the Princeton Neuroscience Institute (PNI) has told that previous research has shown that adults' brains have the ability to sync up when they watch movies and further listen to stories, but little what is known about how this 'neural synchrony' has developed in the first years of life.

Piazza and her co-authors -- Liat Hasenfratz who is an associate research scholar in PNI; Uri Hasson, a professor of psychology and neuroscience; and Casey Lew-Williams who is an associate professor of psychology has posited that neural synchrony plays a vital role and has important implications for social development and further language learning.

By: Prerana Sharma

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