WHO Released One-Hour Screening Per Day For Half Grown Kids

Editorials News | Jun-28-2019

WHO Released One-Hour Screening Per Day For Half Grown Kids

The world health organization has released new instructions on physical activity, sluggish behaviors, and sleep for young children.
According to world health organization more than 5 years old kids should not spend much time on watching television, social media and videos games over their phones and computer system and infant child which comes under the category of less than one year should not introduce with mobile phones, television and computer screens anyhow.
The United Nations agency, recommended their first such kind of instructions, said under the age group of 2 to 5 should need to show more availability on physical activities like outdoor sports, body exercises and comfortable sleep. This will be helpful for the development of their good lifelong habits and get prevention from paunchiness and other diseases in later life.
"What we are cautioning on is over-use of those electronic screen times with young children," WHO expert Dr. Fiona Bull told in a news discussion.
Children should not be moderate in a high chair, stroller or strapped onto a babysitter’s back for more than an hour at a time.
Children under the instructed age group should need to get at least 180 minutes physical activities like outdoor games and physical exercise and the children who comes in the category of 3 to 4 years old should be moderate 60 minutes activity.

Children should get the following amount of proper good quality sleep on the daily basis: 14-17 hours at 0-3 months of age, 12-16 hours at 4-11 months, 11-14 hours at age 1- 2 years, and 10-13 hours at age 3-4 years.
Infants under one should interact with floor-based play and avoid all screens, they said. Being inactive in physical activities is a main cause of rising the number of obesity (over-weight) rapidly in the whole world. The WHO said, excessive weight can lead to premature death from heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and some forms of cancer.
"Preventing these deaths needs to start in very early life," Bull said. Every third person is getting obesity on daily basis and adult people do not do enough physical activities, she said. In accordance of her statement plus 5 age group kids getting over-weight, almost 40 million kids are obese around the globe. In which 50% are from Africa and the Southeast Asia region kids worldwide.

By: Tripti varun

Content: https://gadgets.ndtv.com/mobiles/news/who-recommends-1-hour-maximum-screen-time-per-day-for-kids-younger-than-5-years-2028442

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