Ban On Plastic: Environment Vs Economy

Education News | Jul-27-2021

Ban On Plastic: Environment Vs Economy

Recent years have seen an intensification of the worldwide discussion over plastic ban, which puts environmental concerns against financial ones. Governments and other institutions are thinking about and putting restrictions on different plastic items more and more as the world struggles with the worsening plastic pollution problem. But these prohibitions have a huge impact on the business and the environment, which makes for a complicated web of conflicting interests and possible results. The complex problem of ban on plastic: environment vs economy is examined in this article, along with the potential and problems that result from such laws.

Environment and economy are the two major things that the COVID-19 pandemic has the most effect on. To our environment, it has hit positively because everything has switched to virtual mode and less traveling leads to less consumption and burning of fossil fuels. On the contrary, it also has a major negative effect on our country’s economic condition or economy. The economy rate’s graph has decreased. As mentioned in a blog of ‘Business Standards’, our nation’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has said in one of his speeches that the world won’t be the same again after this global tragedy. The economic condition especially in under-developing countries like India has gone worse.

At the same time, it has also been declared a ban on single-use plastics and several items made from plastic. This initiative has three stages. Firstly, a fixed weight is decided for the plastic bags and bags shouldn’t weigh more than that. Secondly, specific categories of single-use plastics are made. Thirdly and lastly, there will be a strict ban on many plastic items like cups, disposables, etc. This will have a great effect on both our environment and the economy.

About the Plastic Ban

Usually, plastic prohibitions are directed at single-use plastics like bags, straws, cutlery, and packaging. The extent of these prohibitions varies over different areas:

  • Complete Ban: A number of governments have outlawed the manufacture, sale, and use of specific plastic goods. Other places have enacted partial bans, concentrating on particular products or restricting the amount of plastic used in particular industries.
  • Progressive phase-out strategies: These are being implemented in many areas, giving companies and customers time to adjust to substitutes.
  • Incentive-based systems: To discourage the use of plastic goods and encourage alternatives, several governments have imposed taxes or fees on them.

These prohibitions have some justification against the increasing negative effects of plastic pollution on the environment. Still, disagreements and opposition from different sectors and stakeholders have been generated by the economic ramifications of such actions.

Plastic Ban Economy VS Environment

Its main effect on our environment will be that the number of non-biodegradable items one uses on daily basis will severely decrease. This means that most of the waste released from our homes, offices, and other places will be easily decomposable making it good for the near future.

Also, hundreds of animals die because of eating plastic goods daily as it chokes their throat. Thus, this ban will also help in conserving species.


At the same time, it will have a very major effect on our economy. As discussed in a blog by the ipleader, India has over 30,000 industrial plastic units. Over 4 million people work in these units. This plastic ban can result in the unemployment of millions of people throughout the nation. Plastic is also a lot cheaper than other materials like paper or cloth. It will become an additional cost for people to pay extra for buying nature-friendly goods than plastic ones. Therefore, just as a coin has two sides, this ban also has both good and bad sides. If you ask my opinion then such a ban is a must. It is because if we continue misusing stuff the way we are it won’t be a shock if life on earth gets finished very soon.

Plastics in the Environment

There is strong and complex environmental argument for outlawing plastic. With far-reaching effects for ecosystems, wildlife, and human health, plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most urgent environmental problems of our day.

1.Marine Ecosystems

Plastic pollution's effects on marine ecosystems are among its most obvious and concerning consequences. A staggering 8 million metric tonnes of plastic are thought to reach the oceans annually, creating enormous trash patches and contaminating even the most isolated marine ecosystems. For aquatic life, plastic pollution has disastrous effects:

  • Entanglement: Plastic trash frequently entangles marine life, causing them to become injured, suffocated, or even killed.
  • Ingestion: Many animals mistake plastic for food, which results in famine, malnutrition, and the bioaccumulation of poisons in the food chain.
  • Detriment of habitats: Coral reefs and other delicate marine ecosystems can be choked by plastic pollution, which would upset biodiversity and ecosystem processes.

 2.Terrestrial Ecosystems:

Plastic pollution has a big effect on land-based ecosystems as well:

  • Soil pollution: The health of the soil and agricultural output are impacted by the toxic substances that plastic breaks down into the soil.
  • Wildlife effects: Similar problems to those encountered by marine life might arise for terrestrial species if they eat or become entangled in plastic garbage.
  • Microplastic pollution: Unknown long-term effects on ecosystems and human health have been reported for tiny plastic particles detected in soil, air, and even isolated wilderness regions.

3.Climate Change:

  • Production emissions: Plastic is mostly made from fossil fuels, which makes its manufacture energy-intensive and greatly increases carbon emissions.
  • Waste management: The burning of plastic garbage sends poisons and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
  • Degradation: Strong greenhouse gases methane and ethylene are released by plastic as it breaks down in the surroundings.

4.Human Health

Human health is at risk from plastic pollution in a number of ways:

  • Chemical exposure: Hormonal disturbances, developmental disorders, and other health problems may result from the toxic chemicals found in many plastics seeping into food, water, and the environment.
  • Microplastic ingestion: Inadvertently ingesting microplastics through food and water, humans are unintentionally exposing themselves to potentially long-term health risks.
  • Air pollution: Toxic compounds released into the air by burning plastic garbage exacerbate respiratory ailments and other health disorders.

5. The Environmental Persistence

  • Slow degrading: Long after their useful lives are up, many common plastics remain in the environment for hundreds of years.
  • Fragmentation: To exacerbate the microplastic issue, most plastics fragment rather than completely biodegrading.

These environmental effects, according to proponents of plastic bans, call for swift action to lower plastic manufacturing and use. They maintain that the short-term financial advantages of continuing to use plastic are much outweighed by the long-term environmental consequences of plastic pollution.

Plastics and Economics

Bans on plastic have complicated and varied economic ramifications that touch many facets of the worldwide economy. Opponents of bans contend that such actions might seriously harm industries, employment, and economic growth, even while supporters stress the long-term financial advantages of environmental protection.

1.Impact of the Plastic sector

Ban on plastic: environment vs economy may have a big impact on the hugely influential plastic sector worldwide:

  • Losses of Jobs: Policymakers have encouraged the establishment of plastic manufacturing industries all over the world mainly because millions of people are employed in them. A ban could lead to job cuts in depots, car makers among others because there will be no demand for the vehicles.
  • Revenue decline: This would lead to economic decline in areas that mostly rely on the industry hence significant revenues losses for producers and other related companies.
  • Innovation challenges: Industry proponents argue that bans may pose a barrier towards the development of better polymers for recycling and with improved environmental standards.

2.Consumer Costs

Prices and behaviours of consumers may be impacted by the move away from plastic:

  • Higher product costs: Substitutes for plastic products and packaging tends to be slightly more expensive which may increase the cost of goods to the consumers.
  • Convenience factor: Plastic food containers are esteemed because they are flexible and convenient to use by everybody. Such measures may make companies switch to less effective variants that may consequently alter their life patterns and way of purchasing products.

3.Small Business Impact

Adopting plastic bans may present disproportionate difficulties for small businesses:

  • Costs of compliance: Replacing the natural items with the plastic ones may sometimes be costly not only to the large firms but to the small firms which have little capital.
  • Supply chain disruptions: Fluctuations in the type of product materials used and the packaging can disrupt the supply chain, proving to be somewhat inconvenient for businesses with limited operational reach.

4.Economic Prospects

Plastic prohibitions bring new business prospects in addition to problems:

  • Alternative materials: Firms dealing in biodegradable product manufacturing and developments of green products and packaging solutions and reusable items are likely to be encouraged to develop new products due to the search for an environmentally friendly solution to plastic.
  • Recycling and garbage management: Increased attention to the problems of plastic utilization would likely lead to more public money being put into waste handling and recycling technology—fresh job and business opportunities.
  • Green branding: Firms that may stand to benefit from plastic bans include those that would adapt well to the changes and this could lead to better loyalty and consumer image thus commanding a higher share of the market.

5.Health-Related Matters

Since the healthcare uses much plastics, the following are the effects-

  • Medical supply costs: Plastic is also sterile material and can last a long time, as such it is invaluable in most of the medical applications. Some options that are cheaper may in a long run cost more hence increase the overall cost of healthcare.
  • Research & development: It may require a capital invested to develop suitable substitutes for medical plastics.

6.Local and Tourism Economies

 Indirect effects of plastic waste on these sectors include:

  • Tourism decline: Local economies dependent on tourism income may suffer if beaches and other natural areas are contaminated with plastic.
  • Costs of cleanup: The financial strain of removing plastic trash from local governments and communities frequently takes resources away from more pressing economic concerns.

7.Global commerce Implications

Policies and connections in international commerce may be impacted by plastic bans:

  • Trade restrictions: Variations in national plastic laws may lead to the creation of new trade restrictions and complication of international business.
  • Market changes: Trade balances and economic ties may be impacted by changes in import/export dynamics in nations with tougher plastic laws.

8.Long-term Economic Benefits

Proponents of plastic bans contend that the long-term financial advantages exceed the immediate expenses:

  • Lowering plastic pollution could eventually result in large savings in waste management and environmental remediation expenses.
  • By keeping ecosystems free of plastic waste, natural resources—such as fisheries and tourist destinations—can continue to be economically valuable.
  • Long-term reductions in healthcare expenditures may result from lowering exposure to toxic compounds found in plastics.


The argument about ban on plastic: environment vs economy emphasises how intricately environmental protection and economic factors interact. Although there is compelling environmental evidence to cut back on plastic use, there are several economic ramifications that need to be carefully considered.

Governments, businesses, and communities working together will be necessary to find creative solutions, be flexible with policies, and balance these conflicting goals. Gradual implementation of plastic ban, coupled with support for affected industries and investment in sustainable alternatives, may offer a path forward those addresses both environmental and economic concerns.

Ultimately, the challenge lies in finding approaches that can protect the environment while fostering economic resilience and innovation. As the global community continues to grapple with this issue, addressing plastic pollution will require a nuanced and multifaceted approach that considers both the environmental imperatives and the economic realities of ou

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