Reasons Behind Increasing Cases Of Insomnia

Education News | Jul-22-2021

Reasons Behind Increasing Cases Of Insomnia

Sleepless nights are common after events such as a job loss or the death of a loved one. As long as it goes gone on its own after a few nights, your doctor may label it acute insomnia. Long-term anxiety, as well as anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can lead to chronic sleeplessness, which is a more serious condition. When it's time to sleep, a jumbled body clock can keep you awake. Maybe it's due to an irregular bedtime, a long journey from another time zone, working late, or switching shifts at work. Some people simply have a different circadian rhythm that causes them to be out of sync with their surroundings, making it difficult for them to sleep at "normal" hours.

More than half of the time, a problematic mental condition is a factor. Sleep issues, such as insomnia, are significantly more common in people who suffer from depression. Those suffering from anxiety, bipolar disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder are also at risk. The manner you sleep can reveal a lot about the disease you're dealing with. When you seek help for insomnia, it's not uncommon to be diagnosed with a mental illness. Start with your bedroom to help you get your sleep cycle back on track. It should be dark, peaceful, secure, relaxing, and refreshing. Caffeine, even in little amounts, can induce sleeplessness. Before going to bed, take a hot bath, read a book, or do some mild stretching. Avoid boisterous activities and heated debates, as well as heavy, fatty meals. Get some sunshine in the morning and exercise earlier in the day.

By: Samaira Sachdeva

Delhi Public School, Gautam Buddh Nagar


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