Should Schools Put Tracking Devices In Students’ ID Cards?

Education News | Mar-17-2023

Should Schools Put Tracking Devices In Students’ ID Cards?

The argument over should schools put tracking devices in students’ id cards? has gotten hotter in recent years. Though it also raises serious questions about privacy, autonomy, and the proper use of technology in educational settings, this contentious measure seeks to improve security and expedite administrative procedures. Whether to use such tracking technology has grown more complicated and contentious as schools struggle to strike a balance between individual rights and safety.

This article will examine the possible advantages and disadvantages from different angles of view of putting monitoring devices in students' ID cards. We will also go over the difficulties and ramifications related to this technology, giving a thorough rundown of this divisive problem.

No, schools should not put tracking devices on students’ ID cards. The use of tracking devices in student ID cards is an invasion of privacy and could be used to monitor students in inappropriate ways. Such a practice would also be a distraction from the learning environment, as students would be worried about their whereabouts being tracked. Furthermore, the cost and maintenance of such a system would be prohibitive for most schools.

The use of tracking devices in student ID cards is a serious invasion of privacy. Such a practice would be an unnecessary violation of students’ right to privacy and would be an invasion of their personal space. Student ID cards are meant to be used for identification purposes only, and the addition of tracking devices would be a violation of this purpose. Furthermore, the tracking devices could be used to monitor students’ movements in inappropriate ways and could be used to track the student’s whereabouts when they are off-campus.

Moreover, the use of tracking devices in student ID cards would be a distraction from the learning environment. Students would be worried about their whereabouts being tracked and would be less focused on their studies. Such a practice could also lead to students feeling monitored and uncomfortable, which would harm their learning experience.

Finally, the cost and maintenance of such a system would be prohibitive for most schools. Such a system would require substantial initial costs for the purchase of the tracking devices and the installation of the necessary infrastructure. Furthermore, the system would require regular maintenance and upkeep, which would add to the cost of the system.

For these reasons, schools should not put tracking devices on students’ ID cards. Such a practice would be an invasion of privacy, a distraction from the learning environment, and prohibitively expensive for most schools.


  • Improved Safety and Security: Location tracking using devices embedded in student ID cards might enhance response time in emergencies, which include events like shooting, physical illnesses, or disasters. With the help of this technology, representatives of first response services and heads of schools can quickly find and help students.
  • More Accurate Records and Less Administrative Work: Tracking and recording process can also be automated to avoid tediousness of attending classes frequently. By aggregating the data of truancy and other related issues, it might help schools to better identify the patterns of such shortcomings and thus, provide early aid to those students who may not attend classes regularly.
  • Effective Resource Management: As for the case of students’ movement, schools can for example, plan the bus routes or control the cafeteria crowd or alter the timetable of classes. Perhaps, the better utilization of school facilities and resources could be a consequence of this data driven approach.
  • Prevention of Unauthorised Access: The tracking devices can help to prevent people who possess unregistered ID cards to alert security personnel when intruders are identified within the compound. This would be discouraging to potential burglars and would in general enhance safety of the campus in additional ways.
  • Simplified Check-In/Check-Out Procedures: The use of tracking devices may help in location-tracking of students. It can even eliminate the need to have them sign in and out of activities or appointments to ensure records are well updated thus cutting out time and the chances of human error.
  • Emergency Contact Facilitation: The tracking systems could quickly provide information on the last known location of a particular student in case of an emergency, thus assisting in communication with the parents or guardians of the kid and the reunification process.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: School administrators might be able to use the data collected from tracking devices to help them organize school operations, assign resources, and develop safety protocols for students.
  • Deterrent of Negative Behaviours: Students will not be able to engage in mischief, bullying, or any other prohibited activities within school premise since they know they are under surveillance.
  • Simplified Access to School Services: By using integrated tracking devices, several school services, for instance, computer lab time, cafeteria transactions, and library books borrowing, may minimize wait time and maximize efficiency.
  • Parent Peace of Mind: Due to concerns that have been escalated in the media regarding school safety, some parents may get some peace of mind by being able to verify their child’s existence at school whenever they want.

The Drawbacks

  • Privacy Issues: The probable infringement on privacy rights is the leading concern expressed on the use of tracking devices on the student ID cards. Continuous monitoring of students’ location raises ethical questions on privacy/monitoring and other human rights such as right to privacy of children more so students.
  • Data Security Dangers: Privacy weaknesses that might exist stem from the collection and storage of personal location information. If this information gets in wrong hands, then students are at a high risk of being vulnerable to identity theft, stalking or any form of abuse.
  • Erosion of Trust: Implementing tracking devices could mean that officials as well as the students do not trust each other; this can lead the relationship between the two to become unfriendly, which can establish a culture of disrespect.
  • Psychological Impact: Oversight might not be good for kids’ psychological wellness, raising anxiety, stress, or the feeling of always being under surveillance. This could slow down the autonomy of constructing and development of individuality.
  • Misuse: The tracking data is in a position of being misused by school employees or other officials for purposes of other need than what the design was intended for, such as unfair deportment or profiling.
  • Financial Burden: Implementing and enforcing a tracking system means that schools may spend a lot of money, and such costs might be diverted from other significant requirement or important projects.
  • Technical Restrictions: Sometimes the tracking devices could not accurately capture the signals especially when inside or in areas with poor signals. This outcome could either cause the system to generate numerous false alarms, or fail to detect security threats, ultimately affecting the reliability of the system.
  • Over-reliance on Technology: Focusing too much on technology solutions may have the net effect of ruling out some other broader approaches to students’ safety and welfare, such as conflict management or psychological assistance.

This means students who have a problem with the tracking system or as a way of trying to avoid the same they can be disciplined or they end up slowing down the whole system.

Complexities in Law and Ethic:

As we think that should schools put tracking devices in students’ id cards? tracking device deployment may run into legal problems with constitutional rights and privacy legislation, which could lead to ethical and legal examination of schools.

Implementing tracking devices in student ID cards has a number of major obstacles and possible repercussions that schools need to carefully weigh:

  • Balancing Safety and Privacy: Optimising school safety while nevertheless upholding individual privacy rights is one of the main difficulties. Schools must walk this tightrope to protect children' constitutional rights while yet attending to justifiable safety concerns.
  • Protecting Data: To protect private information, schools using monitoring systems need to make significant investments in strong data protection procedures. This covers encryption, safe storage, and rigorous access restrictions. Loss of public confidence, legal responsibilities, and major breaches could all arise from inadequate protection of this data.
  • Getting Consent: It might be difficult to get parents and kids to provide their informed permission for tracking devices to be used. Schools who don't get the right consent or if the consent procedure is judged insufficient may run into opposition or legal problems.
  • Controlling Public Perception: There may be a strong public reaction to the tracking device installation, which could tarnish the school's standing and ties with the neighbourhood. Schools need to be ready to discuss issues openly and honestly with interested parties.
  • School Policies: To allow for the use of tracking technology, current school policies—which include rules for data access, retention, and use—may need to be updated. Legal and ethical ramifications must be carefully considered throughout this sometimes complicated and time-consuming procedure.
  • Training and Education: Staff, students, and parents must receive thorough instruction on the usage and restrictions of the tracking technology. Lack of knowledge on the goal and operation of the system might result in misconceptions, abuse, or inefficient use.
  • Technical Integration: It might be difficult technically and need a lot of IT resources and experience to integrate tracking devices with current school systems and infrastructure.
  • Sustainability over the Long Run: Schools need to think about the expenses and upkeep of tracking systems over the long run, including hardware replacement, software upgrades, and continuous technical assistance.
  • Managing Intentional Consequences: The use of tracking devices could have unanticipated consequences on the conduct of students, the atmosphere of the school, or the quality of education. Schools need to be ready to watch for and deal with these possible repercussions.
  • Ethical Considerations: Tracking minors has ethical ramifications for schools, which include issues of autonomy, trust, and the use of monitoring in learning settings.


  • Changed Student Behaviour: In reaction to being monitored, students may change their behaviour, which could result in more conformity but also in attempts to undermine the system.
  • Changes in School Culture: The existence of tracking devices has the potential to drastically alter the trusting and transparent environment in schools, therefore impacting the dynamics between students and teachers as well as the general climate of the institution.
  • Legal Implications: Should the use of tracking devices be determined to be in violation of privacy laws or constitutional rights, schools may be subject to legal challenges or regulatory scrutiny.
  • Impact on Educational Outcomes: Students' willingness to take chances in their education, inventiveness, and academic success may all be influenced by the psychological consequences of ongoing observation.

Setting a precedent for more monitoring in other spheres of society, the use of tracking devices in schools may raise more general concerns about civil liberties and privacy.


In the end, the answer to the question should schools put tracking devices in students’ id cards? contains several ramifications for the complicated decision to include tracking devices in student ID cards. Such systems present serious questions about privacy, ethics, and the proper use of technology in educational contexts even if they may have advantages in terms of efficiency and safety. Schools thinking in using this technology need to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages, deal with the difficulties, and be alert to any repercussions. Any choice should, in the end, put students' rights and well-being first while attempting to establish a secure and encouraging learning environment.

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