23rd Old Man Broke 5 km Road

Editorials News | Feb-19-2020

23rd Old Man Broke 5 km Road

On 16th February 2020, the 23-year-old man, ran 12 minutes 51 seconds and broke the 5 km road world record by 27 seconds in Monaco. His name is Joshua Cheptegei. He is a Ugandan, long distance runner.
According to World Athletics, the previous world record was of 13:18 set by Rhonex Kipruto in Valencia on 12th January 2020.
Chepetegei told World Athletics that was great. He further added, he had sub-13 minutes on his mind today, so when his legs felt good during the race, he decided to go for it. To make this many seconds off the record makes him very happy and was a great first test for him in an important season.
Earlier in the last year, Cheptegei had made 12:51, which was the fastest 5K record on the roads and track. Because the 5K did not become an official world record event until November 2017, Cheptegei also excelled Sammy Kipketer’s 13:00 set, the fastest time ever recorded on the roads, in 2000 at the Carlsbad 5000.
He switched to running when he discovered that his talented in distance running. Otherwise earlier played football and tried out the long jump and triple jump, in the primary school.
The second to Cheptegi in 13:18 was Jimmy Gressier of France, who had broken the European record. Also, from France, there was Liv Westphal who won the women’s race at 15:31 and broke the French National record.
In December, Cheptegi broke the 10K world record at the 10K Valencia Trinidad Alfonso, which was built on a series of world record breakthrough races on which 5K world record is based.
Preceding of the record, in March 2019 he won the Gold Medal, Cheptegi became a cross-country World Champion in 10,000 meters at the IAAF World Championships in Doha, Qatar.
Before that, in the 10,000 m run at the World championship, he became the Silver Medalist in London, in 2017.

By: Suvarna Gupta
Content: https://www.runnersworld.com/news/a30952158/joshua-cheptegei-5k-world-record/

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