8 Important Aspects of a Teacher’s Growth

Editorials News | Oct-21-2018

8 Important Aspects of a Teacher’s Growth

Teachers play a very crucial role in our lives. Our teachers are the ones who show us the right path of life. They enlighten us not just academically but also inculcate in us the humanly values and good lessons of life. But what are those things that help our teachers to grow? Have we ever thought of these things? A teacher needs books, degrees, certifications, rules, policies, latest teaching aids, but is that all a teacher needs? Definitely, answer is a no to it. A teacher needs much more than all of this. Indeed a teacher needs more of encouragement, sense of progress and belonging in order to improve his/her capacity. The 8 important things that a teacher requires in order to grow are as listed below:

(a) Humility – Humility is a crucially important part of a teacher’s growth. A teacher must realize on his own that what he lacks and what he owns. He should have the talent of looking into his ownself and realizing that where exactly he needs to change and reform himself. He should be able to understand his needs and the needs of the students simultaneously.

(b) Vision – A teacher must have the vision to see the bigger picture. He must be able to differentiate effectively between what is working in the right direction and what is not. He should be able to frame and draft strategies and ideologies that can be effectively used in order to impart education and values amongst his students.

(c) Meaningful collaboration – A teacher should be able to effectively collaborate with his students in the best possible way. He should be ready to share his knowledge, easy learning tricks and techniques with his students. Alongside a teacher must encourage other students also to share their knowledge with their fellow students.

(d) A sense of belongingness – A teacher must be ready to integrate the content she reads with the committees, communities, parents etc.

(e) A sense of priority – A teacher must be able to prioritize between what he should read and spend his time into and what is just not worth. He should collect relevant information from various sources and use it in the best possible ways.

(f) Diverse ideas and perspectives – A teacher must not just impart education and content just for the sake of doing so. Indeed he should be very critical and analytical about the content he uses. There may be times when he may have to read and understand and then make use of such content while teaching his students.

(g) Reflection - A teacher must understand that he is a role model for his students. He should deeply scrutinize his own ways and techniques of doing things and make sure that students do not pick up any inappropriate aspect of his behavior.


 By: Anuja Arora

Content: https://www.teachthought.com/pedagogy/8-lessons-teacher-growth/

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