A Glowing "Hydrogen Wall"

Editorials News | Aug-13-2018

A Glowing Hydrogen Wall

While continuing with the space research at NASA the scientist believe they have spotted a huge glowing "Hydrogen Wall' at the edge of our Solar System.

The new horizon Spacecraft, which is at present at a distance of nearly four billion miles from the Earth and way beyond Pluto, measured what looks like a signatures of the furthest reaches of Sun's energy, which looks like a wall of hydrogen. The Voyager mission 30 years ago had recorded a similar measurement and now with the latest findings offers more information as to the furthest limits of Sun's energy. It is known that the Sun's light sends charged particles outward; this causes the hydrogen particles in-between the planets to release characteristic ultraviolet rays or light.

However, the researchers do caution that it cannot be completely confirmed or that it is a sure sign that New Horizons has actually seen the hydrogen Wall. It could be that the probes that were sent could have actually detected some ultraviolet light from some other sources coming from much deeper in the galaxy. However, the probe Alice which is responsible for this finding is supposed to be more sensitive than the other that Voyager had on board before. It is also likely that they expect the instrument Alice to function for 15 to 20 more years. If it is the hydrogen particles that have been charged by the Sun's energy, it would wane. However, if the light never fades, then certainly the source could be further away coming from somewhere deeper in the space that will need further probing and research.


By: Madhuchanda Saxena

Content: https://www.livescience.com/63297-hydrogen-wall-glowing-interstellar-space.html

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