Alert! Air Pollution May Linger For Generations

Editorials News | Nov-04-2016

Alert! Air Pollution May Linger For Generations

The researchers warn people of pollution and its trans-generational effects. According to a new study, the bad impact of air pollution is the biggest risk for the environment. As per the research by World Health Organization, the unfavorable effect of air pollution may remain in Delhi for future generations.

The facts were disclosed by the US-based National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. T.K.Joshi, director of Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health has shaded the light on this issue. Mr. Joshi explained, if a fetus is uncovered to air pollution, she has transformed in her genes, and such transformations don’t remain limited to her only. However the impact is trans-generational, her children to her grandchildren will be affected.

The study which was held in Delhi has worried the experts and doctors as well. The doctors have indicated that the effect of air pollution may be `trans-generational'. The experts have also advised people that air pollution can create fatal diseases, such as Asthma, stroke and cancer, if not controlled.



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