Alexander Hamilton & The Foundation Of American Government

Editorials News | Jul-24-2023

Alexander Hamilton & The Foundation Of American Government

One of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Alexander Hamilton, was instrumental in laying the groundwork for the American government. As a pivotal person in the foundation of the country, Hamilton's thoughts and deeds had a long-lasting effect on the development of the American political system.
This article examines Alexander Hamilton's contributions to the formation of the American government as well as his lasting influence.

1. The Constitution & The Federalist Papers:
The Federalist Papers are a group of significant articles written by James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton. These papers, which were published between 1787 and 1788, attempted to encourage the adoption of the U.S. Constitution by outlining its tenets and answering objections put up by detractors.

Hamilton persuasively advocated for a strong central government in these papers and the necessity for a new Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation, which had failed to bring the states together. He advocated the idea of federalism, the concept of the separation of powers, and the requirement for a strong executive branch, especially in Federalist Nos. 23 through No. 36.

2. The National Bank Was Established:
Hamilton was George Washington's first Treasury Secretary, and he was instrumental in creating the country's financial system. Despite resistance from Thomas Jefferson and others who questioned the Constitution's specific provision for such an institution, he was successful in 1791 in promoting the establishment of the First Bank of the United States.

Hamilton's plan for the national bank included consolidating fiscal power, balancing the budget, and fostering economic development. The founding of the bank established the standard for robust federal involvement in overseeing the economy of the nation, a notion that still influences the American financial system today.

3. Advocacy For An Industrial & Commercial Economy:
Contrary to some of his contemporaries, who favored an agrarian society, Hamilton firmly thought that a robust industrial and commercial basis was essential to the development of the country. He favored government subsidies to assist manufacturing and backed protective tariffs to safeguard American businesses from foreign competition.

The foundation for the United States' development as an industrial superpower in the decades that followed was built by Hamilton's vision of a diversified economy. His economic policies had an impact on following presidents, including Henry Clay's American System and Abraham Lincoln's Civil War-era industrialization initiatives.

4. Leading The Federal Government's Restructuring:
Hamilton was a pivotal person in the formation of the American government and had a big impact on how the federal government was organized. He had a significant role in defining the executive branch's authority and emphasized the value of a strong and independent president.

With the creation of the federal court system under the Judiciary Act of 1789, Hamilton also pushed for the development of a federal judiciary. This served to strengthen the judicial review concept, which gives the Supreme Court the power to interpret the Constitution and decide whether legislation is valid.

In conclusion, The foundation of American governance was greatly improved and expanded by Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton contributed to the development of the United States into a country with a solid constitutional foundation and a thriving economy through his writings in The Federalist Papers, his financial decisions as Secretary of the Treasury, and his support for a strong federal government.

The nation's identity is still fundamentally shaped by his vision of a unified, industrialized, and financially strong America. His thoughts and deeds are still relevant in today's political discussions. Hamilton's impact as a visionary statesman and the creator of the American government remains and leaves a permanent imprint on the development of history.

By : Abhiyash Maheshwari

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