Alien Alert! Somebody’s watching

Editorials News | Sep-19-2017

Alien Alert! Somebody’s watching

Scientists from the Queen’s University Belfast and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany have focused their study on exo-planet-hunting. The study has revealed how an alien observer might be able to detect Earth using our own techniques. The team of scientists discovered that at least nine exo-planets are ideally placed to examine transits of Earth.

The scientists stated that with the help of mission SuperWASP and Kepler, they have revealed thousands of 'exo-planets' orbiting stars other than our Sun. The scientists added that the enormous majority of exo-planets are found when the planets cross in front of their host stars in what is known as 'transits'.

This process increased astronomers’ curiosity to see light from the host star slightly dim at regular intervals every time the planet passes between us and the distant star. However, a new study has demonstrated something else. The authors reverse the earlier concept and ask, "How would an alien observer see the Solar System?”

The team of scientists has acknowledged parts of the distant sky from where various planets in our Solar System could be seen to pass in front of the Sun, so-called 'transit zones’.

The scientist also concluded that the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are much seems to be spotted than the more distant 'Jovian' planets, despite their much larger size. Jovian planets are known as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.


By: Priyanka Negi

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