Archaeologists Reveal New Facts about Female Warriors

Editorials News | Oct-23-2017

Archaeologists Reveal New Facts about Female Warriors

During a recent research the researchers have found that war was not an activity of males in the Viking world. This study was conducted by researchers at Stockholm and Uppsala Universities. The study, led by Charlotte Hedenstierna-Jonson, demonstrates that women could be found in the higher ranks at the battlefield.

The lead author of the study states that what we have studied was not a Valkyrie from the sagas but a real life military leader that happens to be a woman. The researchers chose the most iconic graves from the Viking Age to conduct the study. The Viking Age grave carries remains of a warrior encircled by weapons, including armour-piercing arrows, sword, and two horses.

Besides other remains the archaeologists also found a complete set of gaming pieces and a gaming board. "The gaming set denotes that she was an officer," says Charlotte and someone who worked with tactics and strategy and could lead troops in battle” said the researcher.

By: Priyanka Negi


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