British & Their Architectural Methods

Editorials News | Nov-24-2021

British & Their Architectural Methods

The industrial revolution is one of the Great changes in human history. It starts in the middle of 18 century in Britain and continues until now. Before the Revolution, there were no cities only villages. To get from one village to another people used galloping horses, which was the main and fastest transportation of that time. For the majority of people, agriculture was dominant. When the industrial revolution begins, agriculture and hand-made were stopped. Things that describe the period of the Industrial revolution are inventions of the steam engine, coal, and iron. Everything is changed when James Watt created a “steam engine” in 1769.

The invention of the steam engine provided Britain with industrial power. Factories, fabrics, and railroads could be anywhere. The invention of the iron by the Derby Family could not happen without a steam engine. Smelting iron with charcoal was an expensive process. Abraham Derby discovered, that instead of using coal, can replace it with coke. Besides the iron industry, there was a development of textile production, because textile is the basic requirement. Food and cotton products were light and easier to transport to different cities. The location of Britain was good for water transports. We know, that Britain is not from the sea from any parts. This was the thing that makes the transportation of goods easier. During this time changes the production of goods. Now instead of using hand-made products, machines started replacing people. For example in fabrics and manufactures, machines could replace 5-6 people. This is the main disadvantage of the Industrial Revolution when a government starts quitting unnecessary workers.

The industrial revolution changed everything and including architecture as well. The industrial revolution affected architecture. There was no need for fancy architecture anymore. People started designing more industrial type, which is more useful rather than Gothic buildings. Beautiful Gothic buildings were designed to impress people. In that period some people who were already on the industrial side started designing the simple structure. At the same time, some people went back to the old architectural style and brought them back. Therefore there were movements as the Gothic revival and Art Nouveau. When people started designing with an industrial mind they had no choice but to design their houses.

By : Raghav Saxena
Birla School Pilani

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