CBSE Board Exam 2020: CBSE Sharing Memes To Share Information

Editorials News | Feb-22-2020

CBSE Board Exam 2020: CBSE Sharing Memes To Share Information

CBSE Board exam 2020 will soon start and it seems like the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has now taken up its twitter account with some of the memes. In this same context CBSE has recently posted two of the memes for wishing the exam warriors in the way they relate to it the most. While we can witness that the first meme revolves around completing the syllabus on time, the other meme is telling students to reach the venue on time.
Students of class 10th pursuing CBSE Board had the following exams: Retailing, Automotive, Security Introduction to the financial markets, Introduction to tourism, Beauty, and also wellness, Agriculture, Food production, Front office operations, Banking, and insurance, Health care, Apparel, Media, Multi skill foundation course and the class 12th students also had their Banking paper.

Board exams are prevalent in the whole country and give all students similar platform where they can be judged equally. The memes by CBSE took the information in a very easy way to the students and impacted the masses.

Here are some important instructions for students of CBSE Board exam 2020
Students are being requested to reach the examination center before 20 minutes of exam.
Students are also requested for carrying the physical copy of their admit cards, as, without it, they cannot enter the examination center.
Students are also asked to wear their school uniforms and as mandatory these students are also not allowed to wear any digital watch, jewellery etc.
Students are only allowed to carry their admit cards, pencil pouch, geometry box, and cardboards. However, they should further keep in mind that every product should be kept in a transparent one. They are not allowed to use a whitener on the OMR sheet.
There are many points that are common and uncommon with the exams, but the most important is that students should not feel any pressure reading all this and should follow all the instructions religiously.

By: Prerana Sharma

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