Day 3 of RBCL 2016: Nothing but thrilling as the teams enter in Semi Finals

Editorials News | Aug-05-2016

Day 3 of RBCL 2016: Nothing but thrilling as the teams enter in Semi Finals

The 3rd day of RBCL 2016 was full of ups and downs. The weather was quite favourable for the players and they all played with great spirit. The day began with a match between The Shri Ram School, Aravali and Step by Step, Noida in the boy’s category.
The young primary players played with great vigor and vitality. The audience witnessed a nail biting match between the primary boy’s of R.S. Junior Modern School, Humayun Road and The Shri Ram School, Vasant Vihar with the former scoring a victory.
Mr. Nirula, Coach, Montfort School, Ashok Vihar, expressing his views on the Tournament very proudly said, that they had been participating in RBCL since 2000. Our senior team has won several times and this time, I am hoping the same for my primary team too!
Mr. Naresh, PET (Primary), Ramjas School R.K. Puram, while sharing his experience of the day said, ‘Every match went on smoothly in accordance with the schedule with all teams reporting on time. Each player played with high spirits and great enthusiasm without any disputes.” He added with pride that his Primary Girl’s team has reached the semi finals.
Naman Aggarwal of The Shri Ram School, Vasant Vihar pronounced that this Tournament is the best Tournament in Delhi/NCR for the Primary teams. He added that it was a brilliant exposure for all Basketball players. Overall it is a very good experience.
The other matches for the day included teams from Presidium, Gurgaon; G.D.Goenka, Dwarka; Apeejay Saket; Sanskriti School, Chanakyapuri. The winners of the days were Step By Step, Montfort, G.D. Goenka, R.S. Modern Schoo, Sri Ram School & Modern School took a lead today.

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