Disadvantages Of Landslide

Editorials News | Sep-07-2021

 Disadvantages Of Landslide

Soil is among the most important natural resources available to mankind. It plays a very important role in our lives. From the food we eat to the mineral resources we use, everything needs soil, land, or lithosphere. On our planet earth, experiencing natural disasters is common once in a while. One such natural disaster is named Landslides.

In simple words, a landslide can be defined as a movement, a great movement of rock or earth along a slope. Most of the time, experiencing a landslide is common after an earthquake or volcano occurs. As it’s a natural disaster, predicting it is not possible completely. Thus, it has numerous disadvantages, some being:

1. Loss of Lives and Properties Being Destroyed- The mass of the rock or the piece of earth can lead to heavy property destruction and people getting stuck beneath it can even lead to death.

2. Communication Problems- The mass when falls on roads or other riding lanes can lead to blockage leading to communication problems.

3. River Blockage- The huge land masses can block rivers causing issues, severe issues.

To prevent such things to occur, some preventions are taken. Some preventions include:

1. Retention Wall- Retention wall is a rigid wall that is responsible to support soil preventing land from slipping.

2. Vegetation- Vegetation cover helps capture landslides. Along with that, surface drainage control also reduces the flowing of landslides with the flow of water, rainwater.

3. Hazard Mapping- Hazard mapping helps to discover landslide-prone areas. This helps a lot as then those areas can be avoided for construction and living.

By: Toshani Mehra
Delhi Public School, Greater Noida

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