Do you Really Know About Handball!

Editorials News | Jan-03-2020

Do you Really Know About Handball!

Whilst croquet is played internationally it is, perhaps the most quintessentially English game imaginable. Croquet’s first rules were registered in 1856, although there are suggestions similar games were played as early as the 1600s.
There are many different variants of the game and slightly altered versions popular in other parts of the world. In the simplest form, however, all of them involve hitting balls across a prepared lawn through hoops employing a wooden mallet. We will consider the Official Rules of Garden Croquet, here, as per the planet Croquet Federation.
The object of the game is to manoeuvre your balls over the lawn and through the six hoops in the right direction and correct order and then “peg out” by hitting the central peg. The game can be played one against one (singles) or two against two (doubles) and the rules are the same in either version of croquet. One side uses a black ball and a blue one, while the other teams use red and yellow and these are 3 inches in diameter and weigh one pound.
In addition to the balls each player also needs a wooden mallet to strike them with. There are few regulations regarding the mallet and they are usually 2.5-3.5 pounds in weight, 24-40 inches long, with a head around nine to 12 inches long and a square face, although round faces are also used. The lawn is normally 17.5m by 14m but for the casual player any decent sized, relatively smooth grass area will suffice. At croquet clubs where the grass is shorter and therefore faster a standard lawn may be as big as 32m x 25.6m. The important thing is that the proportions are kept roughly the same.
In association croquet, of which garden croquet may be a derivative, you score a point for getting each ball through each hoop and then an additional point for hitting the peg with each ball, providing a maximum of 14 points. A side or player wins by scoring 14 points first, that's to mention passing both balls through all six hoops then pegging each ball out.

By: Saksham Gupta

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