Even Your Memory Can Boost For Long Run?

Editorials News | Jan-19-2019

Even Your Memory Can Boost For Long Run?

According to the recent studies by researchers in Japan, histamine improved people’s long term memory test scores depending on the strength of the original memory and could temporary extend memory is more than 25 as compare to ordinary memory.

A total of 38 men and women in their mid-20s completed memory on three different days. Participants look at the familiar object, like eyeglasses or a wristwatch and then several days later were shown some of the same image as well as the some similar and new photos, and were asked if they have seen the image before.

If real life, we cannot know what we forget, this is why we do human memory tests with pictures on a computer screen," said Ikegaya.

Seven or nine days later, participants were given either a placebo or a large dose of medication that increases the amount of histamine in the brain. The same medication is normally prescribed at lower doses to treat dizziness.

According to Ikegaya memory is a combination of a gradient system and a yes: no or 1:0 digital system. Information might be stored in the brain as a gradient, but nerves do not fire.

Researcher suggested that the drug raises the histamine gradient to the point that latent memory reach the threshold level required a single and make us remember.

Histamine had no effect on participants’ scores test on unrelated to long term memory. Researchers are currently planning the future studies how the histamine levels might affect memory test in older adults.

Other students will also examine how histamine might involve in prospective memory the don’t forget type of memory for the future.




By: Lakshender S Angras

Content: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190108084422.htm 

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