Health Hazards Of Junk Food

Editorials News | Aug-21-2021

Health Hazards Of Junk Food

As everybody knows junk food is very popular nowadays. Everybody loves it but these foods are very hazardous for health. They increase blood pressure, cholesterol which results in hypertension and cardiac disorders. Foods like pizza, burgers, french fries come under this category. If we eat junk food daily then it leads us to nutritional deficiencies in the body because it has lacked essential vitamins, minerals, iron, and nutrients. Today, more than 90% of chronic diseases are caused by Junk foods. Although this food is delicious it also has many negative effects on the human body. It is one of the unhealthiest options when it comes to our health. It is an unbalanced diet. This food is very harmful in that it is slowly eating away the health of the present generation. It is a serious problem.

Junk food contains higher levels of Calories, fats, and sugar. It is the easiest way to gain unhealthy weight. This food has not any positive points other than it looks or tastes good. This food can result in long-term illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure. This may also result in kidney failure or heart disease. The main problem with this food is that people don't realize its bad effects till now. We can avoid junk food by encouraging our children from an early age to green vegetables. It will instantly spike your blood sugar levels. This will result in lethargy, inactiveness, and sleepiness. A proper diet includes a good amount of balance between calories, fats, proteins, fibers, and nutrition-rich food. We can find all these nutritional values in foods like green leafy vegetables, fruits, and rice for carbohydrates. It is good for the body and the mind.

By: Anirudha Sharma
Government Senior Secondary School, Bopara

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