How To Deal With Disaster Management

Editorials News | Jan-30-2020

How To Deal With Disaster Management

Disaster Management can be defined as management of resources and responsibilities at the time of natural disaster or disaster caused by human activities. Natural Disaster can be classified as flood, drought, tsunami, volcanic eruption, hurricanes and tornadoes; whereas Disasters caused by human activities can be determined as nuclear explosions, radiations, oil spills, terrorist attacks and transport accidents and more. There are ways to deal with such disaster and today we will talk about this.
As we all know, no country can defend themselves from such disasters as human have no control over Natural Disasters. If we talk about India, our country lies at very disaster- prone area if see it on the geographical location of our country. We witness number of disaster like this every year in our country like drought, flood, landslides, tsunami etc. where a lot of people lose their homes, starve and die because of such accidents. To avoid such accidents, to hit our country once again, we need to strengthen our disaster management techniques to stop such destructive damage.
Firstly, we should understand that disaster management does not eliminate the risk of disaster but it will help us dealing with such disasters and keep ourselves and our family safe at the time of destruction. Disaster management decrease the impact of disaster. To do so it formulates the plans to survive in such situations. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is responsible for monitoring such destructive of the country.
The National Disaster Management Authority need to organize camps to spread awareness among the people of our society for facing the emergency situations and for instance, everybody should know if there is a flood, they need to get out of their homes and they should reach out to a place which is situated on a particular height.

By: Sameer Arora

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