“Mandalas” The Art Form

Editorials News | Sep-22-2018

“Mandalas” The Art Form

It’s a form of Buddhist art. It is done by combining geometric patterns, religious symbolism, and layers of meaning to create a masterpiece. The name, mandala, comes from the Sanskrit word for circle and refers to the sense of wholeness created by both circular forms.

History of Mandalas

Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, attained enlightenment, freeing himself from the cycle of death and rebirth. They carried mandalas with them and brought the practice of creating these works of art to other parts of Asia.


It is a great tool for meditation and self-awareness. The process of creating mandala is very important mandala. It begins with the center of the design, radiating out with symbols and designs as the pattern grows larger.


Mandalas include several key symbols of Buddhism and those are:

Wheel with Eight Spokes: The circular shape of the wheel works well with the artistic representation of a perfect universe. The eight spokes represent the Eightfold Path of Buddhism which involves a series of thoughts and actions meant to guide someone to enlightenment.

Lotus: It is symmetry represents which balance. More importantly, the lotus reaches up from its underwater, muddy bed to blossom in the light, as a human who reaches enlightenment.

Bell: Bell shapes appear in mandalas as a representation of openness and the emptying of the mind to allow wisdom and clarity to enter.


The three most common forms are:

The teaching mandala, the healing mandala and the sand mandala.


By: Lubhawani Sharma

Content: https://study.com/academy/lesson/mandalas-history-examples.html

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