New York To Spend $6M Each Year on Computer Training For Teachers

Editorials News | Apr-23-2018

New York To Spend $6M Each Year on Computer Training For Teachers

New York State is making a total of 6 million dollars investment in computer training for teachers. This sum of money comes as a part of a 5 year 30 million dollar program to augment the computer science education at all the levels of public schooling. This was a part of the state budget deal that was approved by the lawmakers last month.

On Monday Democratic Government Andrew Cuomo hailed the funding and made it one of the nation's largest commitment to the field of computer science education. The steps come in to improve the children's future and to provide them the knowledge and education that they deserve.

Andrew Cuomo is serving as the current governor of the New York City and has held the position as the 56th governor since 2011. According to Andrew Cuomo, this funding and dedication to the field of computer science will most certainly help the future generation. The state's decision and work will sure help school children in receiving the school education that they need to complete for coming job market.

The money will help in training the computer science teachers. The first grants from the total sum will go to the elementary and middle school as well as the districts. This section of kids is in the greatest need of proper funding right now.


By: Neha Maheshwari


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