One Shocking Study Concludes Omega-3 Pills Aren't Good For Your Heart

Editorials News | Aug-15-2018

One Shocking Study Concludes Omega-3 Pills Aren't Good For Your Heart

The fish oil supplements have been very famous among millions in the world due to its benefits for the heart. People have been taking Omega-3 capsules for years hoping to improve their heart health. But a new study has found that there might not be any benefits from it. The study was published by London-based Cochrane Heart Group and led by Dr.Lee Hooper from University of East Anglia, England.

The team conducted a meta-analysis of over 112,000 people and 79 studies. They had a look at diverse populations from different continents and concluded that was "little or no difference to risk of cardiovascular events, coronary heart deaths, stroke, coronary heart disease events or heart irregularities" among those who had Omega-3.

There was also no significant effect on risk of death from any cause. In those who increase their supplements, the risk of death was 8.8% while in those who didn't increase, it was 9%. This 0.2% difference in the statistics is not considered meaningful. Results of the study didn't surprise Dr.Marcin Kowalski who is director of Cardiac Electrophysiology ay Staten Island University Hospital in Staten Island located in NY. He owed this conclusion to the fact that most of the small studies that quoted otherwise had multiple biases.


By: Neha Maheshwari


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