Scientists Baked A Fossil In 24 Hours

Editorials News | Aug-02-2018

Scientists Baked A Fossil In 24 Hours

Fossils are always a great way to gain insights into creatures that were present on Earth a long time ago before humans came into picture. Scientists are not only interested in the reserves of the fossil but also in how they were formed. Unfortunately, fossilization process takes years. But, a team of paleontologists now have a way to mimic the process in less than 24 hours. Previous efforts in making fossils have revealed crucial information on fossilization process. This new paper in Paleontology hoped to create fossils that were more real than anything experimented on before.


The researchers in the study opted to pack specimens into clay to mimic the natural fossilization process instead of past experimentation using soil or sealed containers. Fossils are naturally created when organisms decay in sediments and heat and pressure creates its impression on the rock. The researched used hydraulic press to stuff various samples such as bird feathers. They let it bake at 410℉ and 3500 psi and the end product looked pretty good. The fossils looked promising under a microscope too. They also found melanosomes, a cell structure that is found in natural fossils too.


Scientists do not completely understand how the materials they contains are preserved. This experiment can offer new insights into the process. Even though it is not the perfect substitute for the real thing, it is the next best option.


By: Neha Maheshwari



















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