Sea Creatures in Japan Crossed Pacific Ocean after Tsunami

Editorials News | Oct-19-2017

Sea Creatures in Japan Crossed Pacific Ocean after Tsunami

The lofty Tsunami that destructed Japan six years ago unleashed a different danger onto the distant coastline of North America. The new threat is the massive invasion of marine life from the Pacific Ocean.

According to a new study published in the Science, hundreds of species from the coastal waters of Japan, mostly invertebrates such as mussels, sea anemones and crabs were carried across the Pacific. They were present on huge amounts of unsettled debris that was generated by the disaster. It was less than a year and a half when the huge earthquake and tsunami struck Japan on 11th March, 2011. This tsunami left more than 18,000 people dead or missing. The debris travelled onto the shores of Canada and the United States.

The whole of the debris was found to be covered with sea creatures. The main findings of the study reported that the mass migration was a result of not only huge natural disaster but also due to changes in human behavior.

By: Bhavna Sharma

Content: School Times, Hindustan Times

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