Set – Match - Go

Editorials News | Jan-08-2019

Set – Match - Go

Tennis is a Royal Sport which is played on Rectangular Court between two players called singles or four players called doubles. Players stand opposite to each other and use string racket to hit the ball back and forth.

Each opponent has only one bounce after it has been hit by their opponent to return the ball over the net within the boundaries of court. If player is unable to do then three points is given to the opponent.

The aim is to win the points to win games, games to win sets and enough sets to win the match. First person to win six points wins the sets.


Match is been played between two players is known as singles, players use the narrow singles court, the person who hits the ball is known as server and the person who hits back the ball from the other hand is knows the receiver. There is no penalty for the serving but the mistake is been discovered, then the correct players must begin with serving.

Right of the server or receiver or the choice of end is decided by tossing of the coin or spinning of racket.


Doubles is exactly same as the singles but wider court is also used in the match. Players within the pair do not have to hit the ball alternatively, however, the serves rotate within the players so each player should get chance to serves the ball once every fourth game.

From instance, player A to pair A, Player B to pair, back to player C in pair A and then back to player D to Pair B.

The server partner and receiver partner can stand anywhere they like on the court during the serve, if it obstructs play.

Inside or Out of the Serve:

Where to stand

Each serves is started behind the baseline of the right hand court, he or she must put the ball into the box diagonally opposite.


Ball lands on the outsides the service box or doesn't clear the net or net post called fault.

Foot Fault:

The server should stand behind the baseline between the centre mark and sideline. If his foot touches the baseline, or wrong side of the centre mark or wrong side of the imaginary extension on the sideline, before the ball is struck, is known as foot fault.


Player serves a ball which clips the net and bounce in the service box is called as Let. If this happen then players is supposed to serve again. 


By: Lakshender S Angras



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